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How I Define Strength

Writer's picture: Jet NoirJet Noir

In a recent bit of self-talk about tapping into different types of strength, I began asking the question, “what is strength?” How do I define it? This is what came from that self-coaching session.

Six Components of Strength

1.) Honesty. Being honest with myself must happen before I can ever hope to be honest with others. There are times when honesty hurts. It hurts to hear the truth sometimes and it also hurts to tell it (since I know that it may hurt someone’s feelings). But, it takes strength to be honest and I can’t be strong without a clear conscience. Strength and honesty are partners that work together to keep my integrity in plane view.

Photographer: Audrey Penven

2.) Courage. It’s been said that bravery is being afraid, acknowledging that fear, and doing the thing any way. That is certainly a component of strength. The world is split into to two types of people, the protectors and the protected. I’ll need to tap into my courage in order to protect others when they need it. (But, of course, I’ll need to be honest with myself as to whether or not it’s my place to be the protector. I’m not some superhero with a whip or something.)

Photographer: Noctopia

3.) Humility. Humility becomes the source of strength when arrogance proves a futile fuel. That’s what’s written on my board after I took a fall during a run. The feeling of invincibility during a run was quickly dashed after I tripped, fell, and rolled down a hill. I got up and kept running without missing too many beats. But, I was certainly humbled. Further, I must be humble enough to protect myself or to be protected by others. No man is an island and while it may not seem available at all times, I have a support system of friends and loved ones. I must be humble enough to ask for help. I am not invincible and knowing that is a component of strength.

Photographer: Noctopia

4.) Perseverance. Self-doubt is a part of human nature when I test the waters outside of my comfort zone. When others doubt my ability to accomplish something, that doubt stems from their own insecurities. My responsibility is to myself. I must keep my eyes on the prize while staying present enough to triumph and learn along the way to my intended goal. Choosing not to carry victimhood as a merit badge is my way of persevering.

Photographer: Noctopia

5.) Peace. The ability to focus the mind in times of (superficial or real) chaos is a component of strength. I used to have a short fuse with an explosive temper. It’s a by-product of being bullied as a kid. I don’t believe in living life as a perpetual victim (see above). So, I made the decision to manage my anger and get my ego in check. Recently, some kids were making some comments that aren’t worth typing here. But, I smiled at how their words didn’t bother me. A decade ago and I’d be writing a very different retelling of that encounter. The ability to talk people out of a bar fight when I’m drunk is proof that embracing peace is a component of strength.

6.) Intelligence. A form of mental strength to exercise and train my brain is essential to overall strength.  Intelligence to recognize when a plan isn’t working or needs course correction is key to stop digging when I need to get out of a hole.

Photographer: Audrey Penven

Disclaimer: It’s no accident that I chose the title, “How I Define Strength”. This wasn’t meant to be an internet lecture wherein I mansplained to you what is strong and subsequently question your character if you were to disagree. Nope. This post was about how I define strength. If you agree with what I’ve written, cool. If you disagree, that’s cool to.

The photos above were taken by Audrey Penven (color) and P. McCracken aka Noctopia (black & white). This was a part of my Black Magic performance at the Hubba Hubba Revue’s 8th Anniversary show on Friday, September 12th, 2014.



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