How many times have you heard the conversation? Listening to people talk about how much they hate their thighs, arms, chest, butt, etc. There’s a lot of negative self-talk going around in the mind and in the circle of friends that fuel such negative body image. What would change about our outlook if we were to focus on what we love about ourselves? Body shaming is a hot topic these days. I’m of the opinion that no one can shame you without your agreement to allow them that power. When people accuse an entire restaurant of body shaming because of a sign out front, I have to remind them that No One Can Make You Feel. Written words in chalk, most certainly can’t make us feel. It’s up to us to decide what we feel. (Stop giving away your power, just because someone made an attempt to take it.)

With that being said, it’s time that we changed the conversations about our bodies. It’s time that we talk about what we love about our bodies and the gratitude we have for our abilities (which come from our bodies). Let’s change the conversation from Body Shaming to Body Faming. I’ve started a community art project called The way it will work is that people will submit anonymous (faceless) selfies with words of love, gratitude, and beauty about their own bodies. Take pride in your body, no matter the size. Since all bodies are beautiful, there will be no “real” talk. I hate the phrases, “real men” and “real women”. There is no hieararchy based on body type. Love your body and share that love with the world. Express that self-love without speaking ill of those that are different. Submit your anonymous (unedited) pictures to The website is active yet still improving with every passing week. (currently there is only one submission posted). Look for many changes to be made and I welcome your feedback. Let’s start a self-love revolution!