I’m taking a two-week trip to the Dominican Republic this month. I’ll be without internet and won’t have time for new content. For the month of July, I’ll be re-posting some old blogs. This one was originally posted in January 2013. The title has been changed and a few other tweaks to keep your attention.
I hope that you slept well last night. I hope that you woke up refreshed this morning. I hope that you haven’t been frustrated by insomnia or anxiety keeping you awake. When I was a young boy, my mother taught me a simple lesson when it came to sleep. At the age of 4-ish, I walked into the living room and told her, “Mama, I can’t sleep!” She looked me in the eye and smiled sweetly. She pulled me close and whispered, “Do you know why you can’t sleep?” I shook my head ‘no’, in response. She said, “because you’re in here talking to me, now take yo ass in there and go to sleep.” My mother has always been the matter-of-fact type. I’ve always been a pragmatist, even at that age, so her words made complete and total sense. I just walked into the bedroom and went to sleep! Having trouble waking up in the morning? Do you hate mornings? Go to sleep! I know, I know, you’re not a kid. It’s easier said than done. “I have to look at these pics of kittens dancing with puppies on the interwebs!” “I have to check this one last email.” “Wait, let me just finish this episode of The Daily Show, my DVR is getting full!” Friends, go to sleep.
Over the past two weeks, I’ve gotten in the habit of no phone allowed in my bedroom. Bedrooms are for two things, sleeping and boning. TVs, Laptops, iPads, iPhones, Droids, and those sort of things are the antithesis of rest. “Oh, I have mine set to shut off at Blank o’ clock! I only reach for it first thing in the morning!” Go to sleep, shut off the electronics and just sleep. Get in touch with your imagination again. Have dreams about tomorrow morning’s run, ride, or weight workout. My challenge to you is to try it for a few days. If you rest easier, great! If you can’t rest because your phone’s not at your side, find a support group. If you’re already sleeping soundly and getting up early with no problem, you’re doin’ it right! I look forward to seeing you all with bright eyes and able bodies sooner than later.